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Febuary 2022

2/27/2022 10:09am

MFPD PSA – Active Incident – Buckboard Area 

The Sherriff is on the scene of an active incident in the Buckboard area.  MFPD is standing by, and the support group has been activated. A medical helicopter is shut down at the airport.  This is an active event with very little information available.  If you require more information, please contact the Sheriff’s Office at 530-621-5655.  MFPD will provide updates as we receive them from the Sherriff’s department.  Advise staying away from the Buckboard area during this incident event. 

2/21/2022 4:24pm

MFPD PSA – New hose

MFPD crew loading new hose.  With a donation of $10,000 from MVFA and $5,000 from the District equipment fund MFPD was able to purchase 1250 feet of 3” supply line and 600 feet of 1 1/5 fire attack line.  The new hose will improve our fire attack capability and replace much of our old hose. 

May contain: adult, male, man, person, transportation, truck, and vehicle


2/19/2022 2:38pm

The grant provided heart monitor was placed in service today, after training and orientation by staff.  The new state of the art Zoll monitor, valued at $38,000, was acquired through a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters (AFG) regional grant written by the Rescue Fire District.  Besides Mosquito and Rescue FDs, Georgetown, Garden Valley, El Dorado County Fire, Cal Fire Cameron Park and Diamond Springs FDs received monitors, for a total of 20 paid for by the grant.

The new monitor replaces our older Zoll brand monitor, donated to us well used from another department. The new device has the capability as an Automatic Defibrillator, heart monitor through ECG leads, ability to monitor blood pressure and blood oxygen levels, ability to monitor adequate CPR and ventilations, ability to track patient vital sign variations, ability to capture and print ECG updates.  The monitor is compatible and comparable to those used in the County’s paramedic ambulances.

Through the same grant, we were provided with a new Lucas automatic battery powered CPR device, which we placed in service in January 2021.

A special thank you to the Rescue Fire District and FEMA-AFG grant program for making this important contribution.

May contain: people, person, clothing, hat, adult, male, man, female, woman, chair, furniture, architecture, building, and hospital


2/15/2022 7:54am

MFPD PSA – Structure Fire Rock Creek Road 

A structure fire was reported at a residence in the 9400 block of Rock Creek Road below Gravel Road early this morning. MFPD received a dispatch at 3:49am and arrived on scene at 3:57am to find a fully involved 2 story residence. The fire was contained to the structure and was knocked down at 4:45am. Extensive mop up continues. No known cause and no indication of residents being present. Engine 275, Engine 75 and Tender 75 responded. 8 Support group members respond to provide rehab, road control and station staffing. PGE responded to secure the service drop that had burned through. MFPD was assisted by County Fire, Diamond Springs, Georgetown, Garden Valley and Cal Fire. MFPD responded with 8 firefighters and all apparatus. No hydrants available so water was shuttled by our water tender and Engine 75. Rock Creek Road remains closed until further notice.

2/14/2022 9:41am

MFPD PSA – County Wide No Burn Day

2/13/2022 11:04am

MFPD PSA – County Wide No Burn Day

2/13/2022 10:55am

MFPD PSA – Winds – No Outdoor Burn

Gusty winds are expected to pick up tomorrow, peaking Tuesday into Wednesday. Today is a good day to secure loose items like trash cans and outdoor decorations!

2/11/2022 10:04am

MFPD PSA – Burn Piles – Weather 

Advisory – No debris burning allowed today, Friday, 2/11/22 through Sunday, 2/13/22 due to predicted increases in wind activity that can create unsafe conditions for burning. Be sure to call your local air quality district to ensure the suspension has been lifted prior to resuming any burning.

2/10/2022 12:59pm

MFPD PSA – Outdoor Burn Piles – Weather 

Advisory – Regardless of the recording you receive from El Dorado County, refrain from conducting outdoor burn piles until the current high-pressure system breaks, the humidity climbs back up and the erratic winds subside.  We will post updates every day until we’re clear of this current weather pattern.