Mosquito Volunteer Fire Association (MVFA)
The mission of the Mosquito Volunteer Fire Association (MVFA) includes the following goals and responsibilities listed below:
1. Provide community activities for the entire community. Examples include community dinners and picnics, a food closet for those in need, food baskets and gifts for needy families and shut-ins in the community, food bags for the Firefighters and Support Group on extended duty, written communication/information regarding the fire department, MVFA, SCPOA, and other community news via the Mosquito BYTE newsletter.
2. Provide monetary and physical assistance to the Mosquito Fire Protection District (MFPD) fire department and its personnel when requested by the MFPD Fire Chief.
3. Manage specific donations from the community directed to MVFA for fire department use only. These donations are earmarked and maintained in MVFA’s Station 75 Fund.
4. Sponsor the Firehouse Crafters, whose income is devoted to the various needs in small equipment for the Mosquito fire station, the Support Group, and other building needs of the fire station.
5. Support and maintain our Finnon Lake Recreation Area property, which includes the diner, Finnon Lake Campground, Finnon Lake Disc Golf Course, and Finnon Lake, providing community recreation as well as being an important water source for fire suppression and fire department training needs. This property is self-supporting, thanks to the volunteers of the community who have donated untold numbers of hours and monetary contributions.